The Little-Known Marketing Issue that’s Secretly Killing Your Sales (And How to Fix It)
Not long ago, “Big Data” was all the rage. The race was on to collect as much information about people as possible – creating a giant,...

The 5 Most Misinterpreted Charts in Sales
Sales is all about hitting the number, but sometimes, those numbers can be a little misleading. As a sales leader, you have to be able to...

The Sales Secret That Will Double (or More) Your Sales
Let me tell you a secret about sales. The best time to make a sale is right after you've just made one. This is true for psychological...

4 Rules You Need to Follow to Succeed in Business
As the founder and CEO of OneIMS and Clickx, Solomon Thimothy has built his career around his passion for helping other businesses grow...

The 4 Secrets of Social Commerce From the Head of Social Selling at LinkedIn
Before we begin, I realize it's a bold statement to say there are four secrets of social selling (as in things you're most likely not...